EOCD Education

Sixth Grade Poster Contest


Each fall the sixth graders in the valley are eligible to participate in the Poster Contest.  The theme is set by the National Association of Conservation Districts.  The local conservation districts award three winners in each school.  The two posters are sent the the state competition.

2022 Theme is:

Healthy Soil, Healthy Life

Arbor Day




National Arbor Day comes the last Friday in April.   However, each state can set their own Arbor Day.  Colorado is the third Friday in April.  EOCD provides classroom activities.  At some schools we plant a tree.  

Literacy Project




Each spring  Ag in the Classroom provides a Colorado oriented book on agriculture that we read to primary students. 

River Trailer




What a great way to learn about water erosion!  Various configurations of the sand, rocks and models demonstrates what can happen when the water comes. 

Range Judging




The following students were awarded $1000 scholarships to help them attend college:

Emilee Carroll: Oklahoma Panhandle State University

JaSanno Butler: Otero College

Kaylee Tucker: Trinadad State Junior College


High school seniors that attend Rocky Ford High School, Swink High School, or Cheraw High School, or live in East Otero Conservation District can apply for this scholarship.  It will be posted here in January or your high school counselor will have the application.

Camp Rocky