WOTCD Grants

Matching Grants


WOTCD split their $25,000 Matching Grant between two projects.

Irrigation Projects:

  • 6 Landowners reached
  • Affected 323 acres of land
  • 1,614 tons of Soil Conserved
  • 12,621 feet of Irrigation Pipe Installed
  • 10% Water Efficiency gains
  • CSCB Contribution $12,500
  • Cash match reported: $14,508.30
  • Total match reported $46,056.09
  • Total Contribution: $58,556.09

Reducing Wind Erosion:

  • 2 landowners reached
  • Affected 585 acres of land
  • 5846 tonos of soil conserved
  • CSCB Contribution: $12,500
  • Cash match reported: $15,883.30
  • Total march reported: $15,833.30
  • Total Contribution: $28,383.30

2023 Matching Grant

WOTCD split their $25,000 from Colorado State Conservation Board between two projects.

The following types of Irrigation Projects and in progress:

  • inline valves
  • alfalfa valves
  • pipe
  • underground pipe and bubbler
  • surge valves
  • gated pipe

The following types of Rangeland Projects are in progress:

  • fencing
  • tanks
  • pipeline


STAR Plus Program


What is the Colorado STAR Program? 

The Colorado Saving Tomorrow's Agricultural Resources (STAR) Program is a free and voluntary tool to educate producers, give bragging rights, and structure conversations around soil health. STAR is a practice-based rating system that assigns points for cropping, tillage, nutrient application and other best management practices. As a result, the farmer or rancher receives a STAR rating from 1-5 stars that helps them understand how well they are doing in promoting soil health.


Conservation districts and eligible entities my participate in STAR+. These districts receive capacity support to provide 5-10 producers with technical assistance, guidance filling out a Field Form, and assistance collecting a soil sample for a free soil health test.  Districts will distribute incentive payments of up to $10,000 to each participating producer for implementing soil health practices on a field of their choice, matched with an equal investment from the producer themselves. 

In 2022 West Otero Timpas Conservation District had five producers start their 3 year participation in STAR+.

  • 5 participants
  • 392.34 total acres enrolled
  • $24,102.50 Incentive payments to producers
  • 5 free soil tests processed for the producers
  • 5 fields star rated 

2024 STAR+

WOTCD has slots for five more producers starting in October of 2024. 

District Conservation Technician (DCT)


The District Conservation Technician (DCT) program is a federal, state, and local partnership designed to deliver assistance to conservation districts and producers. The partnership is as follows:

5% from CDA Colorado State Conservation Board

75% from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services

20% from Local Boards (In the Rocky Ford office that is shared equally between the three conservation districts).

DCT's Work Product

50%- Farm Bill Practice Implementation: surveying and designing with supervision

5%- Farm Bill Practice Planning: assisting soil conservationists

10%- CTA Practice Implementation to NRCS Standards: technical assistance

15%- NRCS 9-Step Planning non-Farm Bill: assisting soil conservationists

20%- On-The-Ground Technical Assistance to District Programs: helping monitor the matching grant program and the S.T.A.R. program