OBCD Grants

Matching Grants


2022 Matching Grant

  • 6 landowners reached
  • Affected 1625 acres of land
  • 2123 feet of fence built
  • CSCB Contribution : $15,910.94
  • Cash match reported: $15,910.94
  • Total match reported $16,227.94
  • Total contribution: $32,138.88

2023 Matching Grant

The following types of projects are in progress:

  • fencing
  • solar pump and tank
  • redeveloping a spring
  • pipeline
  • tanks
  • pipe and pump

District Conservation Technician


The District Conservation Technician (DCT) program is a federal, state, and local partnership designed to deliver assistance to conservation districts and producers. The partnership is as follows:

5% fron CDA Colorado State Conservation Board

75% from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services

20% from Local Boards (In the Rocky Ford office that is shared equally between the three conservation districts).

DCT's Work Product

50%- Farm Bill Practice Implementation: surveying and designing with supervision

5%- Farm Bill Practice Planning: assisting soil conservationists

10%- CTA Practice Implementation to NRCS Standards: technical assistance

15%- NRCS 9-Step Planning non-Farm Bill: assisting soil conservationists

20%- On-The-Ground Technical Assistance to District Programs: helping monitor the matching grant program and the S.T.A.R. program.